시글런트 전원공급기(DC파워서플라이) SPS5165X
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주요특징 및 기능
Multi-combination output
The SPS5000X series includes a variety of output voltages (40V, 50V, 80V, 160V) and current combinations (7.5A~90A),
and the rated output power includes 180W, 360W, 720W, and 1080W. The single-channel model can support up to 2 units in series
and 3 units in parallel, and the dual-channel and three-channel models can also support series-parallel connection between channels.
Constant Output Power
In constant output power mode, the voltage and current range is switched automatically to maximize the voltage and
current without sacrificing the supply's output power. This mode enables the supply to provide a higher output voltage
at lower current and a higher output current at lower voltage. Compared to the traditional rectangular output range
of most supplies, the SPS5000X series power supply provides a wider voltage and current output range, which greatly increases
the utilization of the power supply.
LIST timing output
The SPS5000X series supports up to three channels and up to 50-step timing output. The user can
set the timing output parameters on the front panel of the machine, or use the remote web control
function for faster and more convenient settings. Under the LIST function, you can set the output current,
voltage, output delay time, duration, rise and fall slope and other parameters.
품명 및 모델명
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